Afectivo Psychotherapie & Coaching

Potential development coaching for highly sensitive people (small & large)

As individual as you are as a person, so individual I offer my coaching. A special focus is the potential development coaching and the accompaniment of highly sensitive small and large people in all areas of life.

Within the framework of my coaching program for the potential development of your high sensitivity, you will sustainably develop yourself in the following areas:

  • Acceptance and acceptance of your high sensitivity
  • Recognizing your own value and the advantages of high sensitivity
  • Strengthen your self-confidence and self-love
  • Recognize and develop your full potential
  • Finding your place in the world
  • To stand by your needs
  • Accepting your high sensitivity as a gift
  • Learning to trust your heart and intuition
  • Reconnect better with yourself
  • Being able to set your boundaries better (keyword "demarcation")
  • Learn to let go and sort out
  • Live healthier and more balanced

Due to the more intensive processing of stimuli, highly sensitive people are permanently exposed to strong challenges in all areas of life. Day after day. The goal of my exclusive coaching offer for highly sensitive people is to regain your inner strength and to develop your full potential. You learn to connect more with yourself, to listen to your inner voice and to follow your intuition and your heart. I have developed strategies for you for many years for every relevant area of your life.

In particular, the following topics and issues arise with many highly sensitive clients and we can then dive into them in more detail:

  • High sensitivity in general

- You feel different and are perceived as stressful by your environment?
- You are said to be too sensitive and you should not always act like that?
- You are permanently stressed and suffer from constant overstimulation?
- You perceive the energy of other people in a room?

  • Highly sensitive people at work

- You are permanently searching for the meaning of your actions?
- Your work is not appreciated?
- You are permanently stressed and feel trapped in a hamster wheel?
- You can't stand the injustices in your job anymore?

  • Highly sensitive people in partnerships and friendships

- You give a lot in interpersonal relationships and are often disappointed?
- You suffer from a breakup longer than other people?
- You can hardly separate yourself from your partner in a relationship?
- Do you attract toxic people into your life?

  • Highly sensitive children

- Your child is easily overwhelmed and overstimulated?
- Your child throws tantrums out of nowhere and has trouble regulating emotions?
- Your child likes to withdraw alone?
- Your child has a strong imagination and lives in a "dream world"?

  • Highly sensitive people and narcissism

- You are so responsive to other people's needs that you lose yourself in the process?
- You are not taken seriously and your perception is questioned?
- You attract "energy vampires" into your life and are emotionally exploited?
- You have a helper syndrome and often meet toxic people with massive problems?

These questions are some examples of the issues that occupy or burden many highly sensitive people. I usually accompany my clients for a longer period of time. In an initial consultation (90min.) we dive deep into your issues and challenges. This will determine the need and the duration of your accompaniment by me. Before we meet for the first time for a coaching session, I offer a free info - phone call (15min.) to see if we fit together.

Feel free to contact me, I am looking forward to get to know you and to support you in strengthening your sensitive being!