Afectivo Psychotherapie & Coaching

Highly sensitive people in organizations

This offer is primarily aimed at organizations and associations or clubs for whom it is important to recognize and promote the potential of their highly sensitive employees, customers or children at schools and daycare centers or in daycare.

  • You want to make your managers "fit" and coach them in dealing with highly sensitive employees? For this I offer 1:1 conversations for individual cases, but also seminars and workshops (see below)
  • You want to recognize and support the potential of highly sensitive employees in your organization?
  • You think it is important to train your educators (whether teachers in schools, educators in day care centers, etc.) professionally so that they can not only recognize the high sensitivity of children but also accompany them professionally?

I offer very specific assistance, tailored to the individual organization and focus. The focus is always on recognizing, accepting and specifically supporting highly sensitive people. This is ultimately a great advantage and an enormous potential for the organization - whether it is a company or even an association - to appreciate and bring in the added value of highly sensitive people.

In preventive work with educators, the focus is very much on providing targeted education on the topic in order to recognize highly sensitive children and deal with the accompanying challenges. The protection of children and the promotion of individuality and acceptance of high sensitivity are especially important.

Please contact me so that I can provide you with a customized proposal with your concerns in mind.