Coaching - Afectivo Psychotherapie & Coaching

Organizational consulting for organizations in transition

We live in an extremely fast moving time, digitalization and globalization are two of many reasons why many companies or organizations have to restructure and change. The reasons are manifold, can be brought to the organization from the outside, but also arise from within. I am not evaluating this here, they are factual challenges organizations are facing....

As a system. Coach with the focus on organizational change processes, I have a holistic view of the organization and also offer due to my high sensitivity an important quality especially the interpersonal issues in such a process to accompany professionally.

Often organizations are accompanied by similar fundamental issues in these phases:

  • You want to improve the effectiveness of your change project?
  • You are faced with the challenge of designing change processes that increase the agility of a company, strengthen innovation, advance transformation, break down encrusted thinking, promote cross-functional thinking and action, and put people first?
  • goal should be to achieve the results faster, with less productivity loss and more sustainably?
  • You want to build up your own "change competence" or that of your employees professionally and comprehensively?
  • You are aware that sustainable success in an organization is only possible with change capable structures, processes and employees?
  • It is important to you to integrate and convince highly sensitive employees in this process?

One model I work with is the "WSFB System Diamond". This model has proven itself in organizational consulting with regard to change processes.


Feel free to contact me if you want me to accompany you and your team, your organization or your colleagues in this process. We will discuss the situation in advance and according to the individual topic I will create a customized offer for the highly sensitive change processes in your organization.